Wednesday, February 25, 2009


mum's been busy lately..
busy cleaning up after me actually..
i've been having runny poo for
the past two days mum calls it the diarrhoea
and i vomitted last sunday.
the runny poo actually stopped yesterday
but came back again in the evening ..
the human slaves have to work for
me again!
it's been raining in the evenings..
well, it's good that it rains..
but not in the evening!!
because the slav.. ahem..
i mean mum has to take me for
a looong walk in the
raining in the evening is NOT good!
it's raining now and i still have not gone
for my walk!
look at my big nose!

Friday, February 20, 2009

the most dreaded day..

..the day i get a bath.
today's 'hose the sheltie down and scrub him' day .
ohhh..i hate baths.
during bath(so scrawny)
after bath(fat furball)
not to mention that my fur takes 1.5 hour to

Sunday, February 15, 2009

a day out

mum's been sick of late...
it's cus she's been making these loud sound which goes ''WOOSH!!!''
i think they call it a sneeze but i've never hear other humans going WOOSh when they
sneeze. It'll be more like ''achoo!!''
Futher more her nose has been rather red..could she be a distant
relative of rudolph the reindeer??
i feeling rather pooped right now.
it's cus the whole pack(me and my three human slaves) went to
this large hall filled with many dogs.
Mum calls it the expo but i thik that it should be called
one more step to heaven.
cus the other doggies where on leashes and i wasn't able to run
free and play.

come on!! let me go play!!

look! even mr husky wants to play..can't u let me go?

she's a real lousy photographer!! look! the pics are so blurry!

REALLY pooped out!!

Mum says that she'll try to help me upload my videos for me..
what videos?! oh gosh she took videos of me?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

go on strike! stop the puppy mills!

The Puppymill Link Exchange Project

[A puppy mill is really a dog factory, where dogs live in horrendous conditions with little care, exercise, or social interaction. There, they live out their lives churning out litters after litters of puppies for the puppy mill operators who sold them for a profit to unwitting consumers including petshops. Being confined in a tiny space most of their lives, these dogs usually become neurotic. The only day that the puppy mill dogs get to leave the tiny crate was when they couldn't produce any more puppies and had to be taken out to be destroyed because they can no longer make 'profits'. ]
mum happened to see this on romeo's blog and decided to be a big busybody.
gosh, i hope i'm not from one of those things. Mum say it's most likely that i was born in
Singapore cus i cost like 1.6k++ and not 2k++ which is for imported pups.

Went to big field with lotsa doggies the day before chinese new year.
Guess who i met?
Its romeo!!


Mum says i look real fat in this photo

Happy belated chinese new year!
i'm bored..
Mum when can we go home?
atfer that , mum went home and slept until the next day
which she continued sleeping until the
was high in the sky.
And to think that she calls me lazy.